Getting Started

It couldn’t be easier.  I had some experience working with web pages, which I learned while working in my office job, but not much.  The Wealthy Affiliate site is proving to be a charm, so easy to learn from, and you do it at your pace, a key selling point for me.

I started my journey in September 2015, am already buildng my site, and have access to thousands of like-minded entrepreneurs who provide invaluable help and advice.

Step 1Open an account, absolutely free, no cost, and get 2 free websites to build your business.

Step 2 – Read as much as you can, learn as much as you can, ask as many questions as you can.

Step 3 – Start making money and create for yourself the lifestyle you have always wanted.

Step 4 – When you feel you’re ready upgrade to Premium which will give you access to even more tools, information and help.  Premium can be paid on a monthly or yearly basis.

I started with the free membership and spent days looking at the site to see what was available.  I spent a lot of time reading the comments from the other members, both new and those who have been there for a while, I’ve included a link if you would like to read some of the reviews.

By day 7 I was very impressed and decided to take advantage of the special offer, if you upgrade to Premium within 7 days of joining you get the first month for $19. I continued the program, worked on my sites and was pleasantly surprised when the Black Friday discounts came out.  What did I do, upgraded my Premium membership to yearly payments, giving me a huge discount. Now I don’t have to worry about the monthly payments, I just have to learn, build my sites, and grow my business.


2 thoughts on “Getting Started

  1. Michelle

    Hey Sylvie

    You do not sound like a retired person. When I look at your Profile picture it makes me want to go back to the beach. That is my safe space.
    I must agree Wealthy Affiliate has been the best place for me to learn. I hope I don’t have to ever work in a 9-5 job again.
    All the best.

    1. Sylvie Soucy

      Hi Michelle,
      I actually take that as a compliment, I’ve seen too many people think their life is over because they retire. I spent 25 years working in a small cubicle and decided I needed a change, so I retired from that career and am looking at what the next one will be, hopefully Internet Marketing will pan out because I really enjoy it. And I’ve learned to really enjoy life, there’s so much to do, and have fun doing it, it’s a shame if we don’t take advantage of that.
      Cheers, Sylvie


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